08 December 2007

On Caring and Suffering

The Dalai Lama says is very concisely here. For more elaboration on the topic, see the writings of a great religious writer, Henri Nouwen (still applicable, even if you aren't associated with organized religion.)

We find that not only do altruistic actions bring about happiness but they also lessen our experience of suffering. Here I am not suggesting that the individual whose actions are motivated by the wish to bring others happiness necessarily meets with less misfortune than the one who does not. Sickness, old age, mishaps of one sort or another are the same for us all. But the sufferings which undermine our internal peace, anxiety, doubt, disappointment, these things are definitely less. In our concern for others, we worry less about ourselves. When we worry less about ourselves an experience of our own suffering is less intense. -- Dalai Lama

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