04 June 2006

How to Make Your Home Contemporary and "Muck" Friendly

Life has still been relatively uninspiring since I got home from my trip to Louisiana. I decided to make a list of ways to make your home more modern in its decor by getting rid of a bunch of stuff that made our work a little harder while we were cleaning out flooded houses:

  • Panaling went out of style 30 years ago...and there's usually sheetrock behind it. The brighter more vibrant color of painted or wallpapered walls add dimension to a space
  • Stay away from wall to wall (tacked down) carpet. It makes the room seems smaller, and it tends to develop track patterns. Space rugs can give the illusion of a more spacious floor
  • Drapes and curtains are unncessesary. If privacy is an issue, use simple blinds and sleek shades.
  • Don't clutter with unnessesary furniture that no one EVER uses. Simpler furniture works over bulky seats.
Thanks for your time and consideration.

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